Getting Things Done is Important. Setup is Easy and Fast! Why wait?!?

Sometimes emotional barriers prevent us from getting things done. As result, we are (at best) late or (worst case) fail to complete the task at all. Perhaps we are overwhelmed by the shear number of tasks, “Where do I start?!?” Other times we may simply forget, “Oh S!#*! That completely slipped my mind!”

We each have too much to get done, so it is difficult to continuously juggle all the balls we have in the air. Inevitably we drop a few. Getting organized doesn’t have to be difficult or boring. Getting organized is not rocket science. Being successful now and in the future— reliably getting things done for ourselves and others can be fun and rewarding.

Jump in! Gurus often make their area of expertise seem more complex than it really is…creating huge emotional barriers which prevent others from getting started. We don’t!

No doubt about it, our app will help you get things done! It is easy. It only takes a minute or two to sign up. Whether managing the 50,000 foot view or where the rubber meets the road, our App is the one for you and your organization. Watch this short video to learn how just a few minutes spent at the beginning and end of your day will begin to change your life:

Get started today!

Still not ready? Watch this video to see how easy it is to create your business (or personal account) today.

Productivity Refresher

  • Make productivity a way of life. Optimize your entire life…not just work!
  • Manage your energy and alertness, not just your time. Match the difficulty and importance of each task to your energy level and mental alertness.
  • Don’t spend energy on unimportant tasks. Block time on your calendar for your most important goals, projects and tasks.
  • One System for Your Way of Life. Use a system that will remember all your important goals, projects and tasks so you don’t have to.  Cloud Effective.

Use Cloud Effective to Manage All you Need To Get Done

  • Review all items that are consuming your thoughts. State the desired results.
  • Is the task important? If not discard (cancel) and review the next task. If important, then proceed.
  • How long will each task require? Do it now if it requires fewer than 2 to 3 minutes.
  • If the task or goal takes longer than a few minutes, document the details (your desired results). Establish a due date and perhaps a start date if the task will span more than a day. Use system alerts as reminders (Items that are due today, due in the next seven days or past due). When appropriate, schedule time on your calendar directly from our Productivity Apps. No need to remember the connections…a link in the calendar appointment leads back to your task. Watch Create and Edit Tasks on our YouTube Channel. 
  • Or, delegate to someone else. Once logged, the task or goal can be delegated or shared with a team mate. Watch collaborate to succeed on our YouTube channel.
Published On: June 23rd, 2020 / Categories: General, Getting Started, Goals, Tasks /

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